All projects financed by the Sweden-Ukraine DH Programme will follow the stages as described
in the table below:

Stage Content of stage Actions
1. Preparation Initiation of the contact, development of first impressions.

Stage outcome: decision to proceed with the pre-feasibility study.

Potential Project Partner: submits the Programme questionnaire.

Consultant: receives the questionnaire and analyses it, establishes contact with the City. The Coordination Consultant develops recommendation for NEFCO whether to proceed with the pre-feasibility stage.

NEFCO: approves start of the pre-feasibility study.

2. Pre-feasibility study Development of potential project ideas and selection of the optimal investment idea. Various investment ideas can be analysed at this stage, however, once approved, the selected investment idea cannot be substantially changed during the later stage of the programme.

Stage outcome: (1) Completion and approval of the pre-feasibility study report; (2) Approval in principle of the investment idea by the Programme Partner (3) Approval in principle of the investment idea by NEFCO (4) decision to proceed with the feasibility study.

Consultant: in close consultation with the Project Partner, identifies possible investment ideas and analyses them in a form of pre-feasibility study report.

Project Partner: collaborates with the Consultant in the development of potential investment ideas; reviews and approves the pre-feasibility study report; selects and approves the investment idea.

NEFCO: reviews and approves the pre-feasibility study report; selects and approves the project.

3. Feasibility study Detailed study of the selected project. Clarification of the project and design of the investment plan.

Stage outcomes: (1) Completion and approval of the feasibility study report; (2) Decision to proceed with project implementation by the Project Partner (3) Decision to proceed with project implementation by NEFCO.

Consultant: in close consultation with the Project Partner, completes the feasibility study report.

Project Partner: collaborates with the Consultant in the development of the feasibility study; reviews and approves the feasibility study report.

NEFCO: reviews and approves the feasibility study report.

4. Pre-implementation Preparation and attainment of all necessary approvals, necessary to be able to sign loan and grant agreements with NEFCO.

Stage outcomes: (1) Municipal guarantee issued; (2) Approval from the Ministry of Finance is obtained (3) Approval of Terms sheet/Loan proposal (4) Loan and grant agreements are signed (5) PIU support Consultant is appointed.

Project Partner: initiates and prepares applications for all necessary approvals; conducts loan negotiations with NEFCO; establishes PIU for the project implementation.

Consultant: advises Programme Partner on how to prepare applications for the approvals.

NEFCO: Approves Terms sheet/Loan proposal: conducts loan agreement negotiations; defines PIU support consultant in cooperation with the Project Partner.

5. Procurement and construction Preparation of tender documents, procurement, tender evaluation and signing of contracts with the selected contractors. Supervision of construction and commissioning.

Stage outcome: all lots have been procured and commissioned as per the feasibility study. Projects are considered completed at this Point.

Project Partner: prepares tender documents and conducts the procurement process in line with NEFCO Procurement Guidelines (link to procurement) and under supervision and advice of the Consultant.

Consultant: advises Project Partner on how to conduct procurements in the best manner.

NEFCO: provides no-objections for stages of the procurement in accordance with NEFCO Procurement Guidelines.

6. Loan re-payment Project Partner (Borrower) repays loan to NEFCO as specified in the loan agreement.

Stage outcomes: complete scope of loan obligations have been fulfilled by the Borrower.

Project Partner: repays the loan and provides necessary reporting as specified in the loan agreement.

Consultant: –

NEFCO: receives loan repayments and environmental reporting.


Donors and financiers


Nordic Environment Finance Corporation



Programme consultants


Coordination and communication consultant


Local coordination and communication consultant