
The project has been cancelled. The security situation in Severodonetsk in 2014-15 did not allow proceeding with the project. Although the city is located outside the conflict zone, the project has not proceeded. On 14 June 2022, the Russian Military Forces captured the city, almost all critical infrastructure was destroyed.

Location: Eastern part of Severodonetsk
Programme: DemoUkrainaDH
Project status: Cancelled
Investment: 815,000 EUR
Payback period: -
Reduced gas consumption: 570,000 m³/year


1,100 tonnes/year

Severodonetsk is a city in the Luhansk Oblast located in south-eastern Ukraine. The city has a total area of 42 km2 and a population of 100,000 people. Severodonetsk is a major industrial centre which produced 22% of the Luhansk region’s industrial output.

The sources of heat supply are two companies. CE “Severodonetskteplokomunenergo” was a company that produced and supplied thermal energy, and CE “Severodonetskiteplovimerezhy” distributed the thermal energy generated at “Severodonetsk CHP”. The two companies distributed heat energy in separate parts of the city and their operations were not connected. District heating company CE “Severodonetskteplokomunenergo” had a total connected heat load of 100 Gcal/h.

Severodonetsk Demonstration Project – overview

The district heating infrastructure in Severodonetsk was generally in bad technical condition and the company was not providing the population with hot water outside the heating season.

The project comprised the renovation of a micro-district including the modernisation of the distribution system and measures in the in-building piping systems.

Severodonetsk Demonstration Project – details

The project comprised the renovation of micro-district 81 in the city of Severodonetsk.

Specifics of the Severodonetsk Project included:

  1. Network replacement –Installation of new pre-insulated district heating pipelines.
  2. Individual Heat Substations – Introduction of IHSs in the buildings, in total 11.
  3. Installation of balancing valves in the in-buildings riser pipes and installation of new distribution pipes for heat in the building basements.
  4. Close down the existing Central Heating Station.

The proposed investment was EUR 815,000. The proposed financing plan was as follows:

  • Total loan – EUR 375,000 (46%)
  • Total grant – EUR 300,000 (37%)
  • Total Severodonetsk local contribution – EUR 140,000 (17%)

The project was expected to benefit the local community by:

  • Saving 5,390 MWh heat per year
  • Saving 570,000 m³ gas per year
  • Saving 90 MWh electricity per year
  • Saving 1,100 tonnes CO2 per year

Current status

The project has been cancelled. The security situation in Severodonetsk in 2014-15 did not allow proceeding with the project. Although the city is located outside the conflict zone, the project has not proceeded. On 14 June 2022, the Russian Military Forces captured the city, almost all critical infrastructure was destroyed. The city will require significant investment to rebuild its civil infrastructure after de-occupation.


Photo credit: Lionking